100th Day of School

Yesterday was the 100th day of school, and you KNOW we had to celebrate! I mean, if nothing else, there are only 80 more days until summer!!


{If I had $100, I would buy a t-shirt and a new car.}
We kicked off the 100th day by doing calendar and counting to 100 (duh). Explaining place value to a 5 year old? Not so easy. We then went into writing and had a discussion about how much $100 would ACTUALLY buy us. Some of my favorite things they wanted: an iPad, a new car, a hamburger, a monster truck…
Maybe we will re-visit this lesson.

We talked about the different ways to use that money as well: spend, save, share. They kept it in true innocent and sweet 5 year old fashion and (almost) all wanted to give their “money” to the people they love.

We got in pairs and counted 10 links. 10 links x 10 pairs of kiddos = 100. Their minds = blown.

To break up the morning, we did 100 exercises. Yes. This happened. We’re awesome.


Snack HAD to have been everyone’s favorite activity. They each had a cup, made a line, counted 10 of all 10 snacks, and sorted/counted on their own placemats. Fun!

We got to make a pizza with 100 toppings!!!

I think the 100th day of school is probably my favorite all year!!

Not pictured:
We made 100th day hats & counted 100 items brought from their homes.

Raise your hand if you love Kindergarten?! :)

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